Working at De Bok means devising creative solutions every day with a tight-knit team. We expect and offer a high degree of independence.
De Bok offers a personal approach for interns with a broad education, and excellent guidance for legal trainees. You get to work with experienced lawyers on a variety of cases, with the aim of being able to deal with cases on your own within a short period.
We don’t work in sections. A legal trainee is therefore able to become acquainted with various branches of law within the corporate law practice. Subsequently a future specialism is chosen. In this way you are able to give your client the best possible advice and you have an advantage over lawyers that work in many branches of law at the same time.
If you are a graduate in Dutch law, and if you have a good brain, plenty of social skills and a considerable degree of independence, we invite you to apply for a position with us. You can send your application with curriculum vitae by e-mail to Jacques Roijers. The application procedure is short, so you know where you stand very quickly.